Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Creativity, Inspiration and Passion

Creativity, Inspiration and Passion are the themes for Tuesdays.  Therefore, when choosing specific tasks to be completed, I look for ways to Unblock the energy for these Intents.  Since I have been known to awake from a well rested night with a clear focus about my next endeavor, I have always chosen to direct my Tuesday focus on the bedrooms in my home.  Making sure that cluttered areas are eliminated and folded clothes actually make their way to their designated drawers or closets are easy ways to keep the flow of energy moving in that room.  Nightstands and dressers are dusted, and windows are givin' a good cleaning.  If you have a recharging pyramid box on your nightstand for your gemstones, now is definitely the time to make it dust free as well.  Keep those dust bunnies under the bed at bay by thoroughly collecting and disposing of them.  Although, we will be putting more focus on our actual floors on Saturday, getting a jumpstart on ridding ourselves of any residual stagnant energy will definitely help us experience more positive sleep patterns. 

Since my bookcase and the books displayed there are of such importance, I always make sure to do a quick dusting of the outer shown covers.  I have found so much Inspiration and Creativity between the pages of quite a few, that the idea of neglecting them is not an option.  Occasionally, this process has caused me to pluck a few and read a few passages.... which has always proved to be beneficial and reinforcing.  My fireplace mantel (which also acts as my daily altar) gets a good dusting and the collection of weekly incense ashes gets dumped.  Occasionally, I choose to swap altar tools based on seasonal changes and holiday dedications.  Making sure that altar items get a routine cleaning help enforce their energy when stored and used.

Since I have quite the admiration for India Temple Incense, I find that I always make it a priority to burn a stick each Tuesday evening.  Something about the embracing scent and the end of a busy day always reminds me that each day brings about Open Possibilities and New Journeys.  A cupful of Mugwort Tea and a couple of spritzes of Egyptian Goddess sheet spray, and I'm off to Dreamland.  

Happy Tuesday!

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